martedì 26 ottobre 2010

Il progressista che guarda all' indietro

In genere si pensa che i Conservatori si rifacciano ai valori della tradizione mentre i progressisti guardino in avanti desiderosi di innovare.

Il solito Robin Hanson con argomenti creativi scompagina le carte in tavola: i progressisti in realtà sarebbero impegnati in modo più o meno cosciente a recuperare una tradizione più antica mentre i conservatori supporterebbero una tradizione in erba (meno di 10.000 anni), quella dell' Uomo Agricolo.

La Tradizione con la "T" maiuscola, quella vera, quella più antica, sarebbe quella dell' Uomo Raccoglitore.

Ecco una descrizione del progressista/raccoglitore:

"... these folks eat a healthier more varied diet, and get better exercise. They more love nature, travel, and exploration, and they move more often to new communities. They work fewer hours, and have more complex mentally-challenging jobs. They talk more openly about sex, are more sexually promiscuous, and more accepting of divorce, abortion, homosexuality, and pre-marital and extra-marital sex. They have fewer kids, who they are more reluctant to discipline or constrain. They more emphasize their love for kids, and teach kids to more value generosity, trust, and honesty. These folks care less for land or material posessions, relative to people. They spend more time on leisure, music, dance, story-telling and the arts. They are less comfortable with war, domination, bragging, or money and material inequalities, and they push more for sharing and redistribution. They more want lots of discussion of group decisions, with everyone having an equal voice and free to speak their mind. They deal with conflicts more personally and informally, and more prefer unhappy folk to be free to leave. Their leaders lead more by consensus..."

Ed eccone una del conservatore/agricolo:

"... these folks travel less, and move less often from where they grew up. They are more polite and care more for cleanliness and order. They have more self-sacrifice and self-control, which makes them more stressed and suicidal. They work harder and longer at more tedious and less healthy jobs, and are more faithful to their spouses and their communities. They make better warriors, and expect and prepare more for disasters like war, famine, and disease. They have a stronger sense of honor and shame, and enforce more social rules, which let them depend more on folks they know less. When considering rule violators, they look more at specific rules, and less at the entire person and what feels right. Fewer topics are open for discussion or negotiation... these folks believe more in good and evil, and in powerful gods who enforce social norms. They envy less, and better accept human authorities and hierarchy, including hereditary elites at the top , women and kids lower down, and human and animal slaves at the bottom. They identify more with strangers who share their ethnicity or culture, and more fear others. They have more murder and are less bothered by violence in war, and toward foreigners, kids, slaves, and animals. They more think people should learn their place and stay there. Nature’s place is to be ruled and changed by humans..."

Forse che i valori tipici di un' umanità povera, nomade e improduttiva siano destinati a tornare nell' era dell' abbondanza?

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